Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Creative ads

When used correctly creative advertising can be very effective. In today's world with endless Internet capabilities it would seem that print advertising is on its way out. This is an incorrect assumption because it is very relevant in today's world. Seeing these advertisements sparks interest in everyone because some are a creative master piece. It creates a certain buzz for your product that can be good for profits. Lets look at a couple of these creative master pieces.
 We see billboards all the time. Some even go unnoticed by us. But if your driving by this billboard it will be a little hard to ignore. The ad shows you just how strong your teeth will be when using their brand. This toothpaste company did a great job of creating something that people will enjoy to look at and in the end remember their product.
This ad is my personal favorite mainly because I have a weakness for superman. I once broke my leg trying to be like superman. Anyways, this ad is very creative to me. As the elevator doors open you can see that superman is taking off his average Joe cloths to go save the world. I think that this ad could of got more people to go see the movies, but who really knows.
I'm not really sure what this ad is, but it does make me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Brad. You choose some interesting examples. The shampoo ad at the end is funny, and makes sense too - it's natural and it tames wild hair? Perhaps?
