Many students wouldn't make it through college without loans and grants. This is the only source of income they have because their parents don't make enough money to send them to college. One of my friends said that they would not be where they are in life without these loans and grants. It is estimated that 65.6% of students have some kind of aid. Every dollar counts for these students and they take that into account for their monthly budgets. So what if some of it was taken away? No food for a week? One less textbook? Or maybe they would have trouble paying the rent. This is a reality that many students had to face this semester when Cal Grant announced a 5% decrease for student grants. Cal Grant A maximum award reduced from $9,708 to $9,223 and Cal Grant B maximum award reduced from $1,551 to $1,473. The Cal Grant B reduction is $78. This could be the money they were going to spend to buy tooth paste or soap. Although the Cal Grant B reduction is costly for some, the Cal Grand A reduction is a lot worse. You lose $485! That is a lot for anybody let alone a struggling college student. That is rent money or tuition money.
How do we stop this? We have to take charge and protest against this. The 5% cut is just a beginning. They will continue to cut away until we have barely any money to pay for school. Tuition is rising and that will not stop either. We should write to our Governor or Representatives. This will force them to change their ways because we are a large voting group. We can't let it go, lets react!
Well said, Brad. You support your argument with facts and testimonials. Good work.